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Transformational Kinesiology Practitioners in Queensland (QLD)

Best match results for transformational kinesiology practitioners in Queensland.

    Kemina is a Kinesiologist, mentor & life coach to women, men and children, who seek emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformation. Kemina helps people to celebrate who they are through the process of releasing negative belief systems, neurological patterns & brain integration stress (the brain – body disconnection). By releasing the stress using the powerful tools of Kinesiology and frequencies, it enables them to truly connect with who they are and their limitless potential. This process... Read more

    Are you tired of suffering from the constant struggle of Anxiety Depression, PTSD or Childhood Trauma? We provide programs and services that empower you to be free from physical, mental and emotional pain. Often when we have emotional pain this can also lead to physical pain. Explore our range of treatment plans and services you will be empowered with all the practical tools. Explore our Empowering Women 14-16 August 2020 and Empowering Men Weekend Retreats 21-23 August 2020 at Riverwood... Read more

    What would you like to transform in your life? Whatever stresses that are showing up for you are real. What if you had a practitioner who really was able to assist you to understand those deep stressors that are affecting you on a deep subconscious and unconscious level. A kinesiologist uses your muscles to identify how your body is holding that stress and then how it is best able to move through it to get to the other side. We are Diploma qualified and Jany is also a Master and Certificate Science... Read more

    Hello I am a wellness advocate for DōTERRA an Essential Oil company. I would like to share with you these beautiful oils and their high vibrational energy and benefits for your health and wellbeing. I am looking for like minded souls to join me on this abundant journey Whether you just want to use the oils personally, share with your family and friends or are you my next business partner? If you’ve been searching for an opportunity to supplement or even replace and multiply your current income... Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    I offer accurate, intuitive, psychic tarot readings and Theta energy healing for self-confidence, self-empowerment, and future direction, to assist you to find inner clarity and wisdom to make the right choices in your life for your happiness and well being. My Mission Statement: To inspire and educate people to remember the truth of Who they truly are, and to choose love over fear. What challenges are you faced with? Do you find yourself repeating old circumstances which no longer serve you,... Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    Tune into the amazing healing powers of your body. Kinesiology is able to locate energy blockages in your body which can contribute to fatigue, anxiety, aching muscles and poor digestion. Read more

    Unique Health and Wellness is a Natural Health Clinic In Beautiful Noosaville on the Sunshine Coast, offering services such as, Kinesiology, Acupuncute, Naturopath, Bowen Therapy & More, All presented by Dr. Wayne Pickstone (Dr. Of Chinese Medicine). Currently now offering his services by phone or via coming into the clinic 50% off your first naturopathic consultation! If you are looking to improve your energy levels, digestive health, remove any emotional turmoil in your life, lose unwanted... Read more

    Bio-Nutritional Therapy is a 100% evidence based, holistic approach to healthcare. We identify the key biochemical changes that occur in disease and use food as medicine to manipulate your unique biochemistry to restore balance and change the course of disease. Read more

    Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) is a holistic natural therapy. It combines theories and knowledge from various modalities such as traditional Chinese medicine, physiotherapy, chiropractic, naturopathy and counselling. What makes kinesiology unique is that it uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to tailor each treatment specifically to you. It can be helpful for all areas of life, from emotional issues right through to relief of physical pain. The definition of equilibrium is: "a state of... Read more

    Insight meditation and spiritual science instruction Read more

    Intuitive healing within is all about being client driven, working at your own pace and achieving balance within yourself. We use the biofeedback of your body through muscle testing, to work through these limitations and emotional blockages together. The aim of this is for you to achieve your goals, have more energy, reduce pain and live your best life forward. Let's relieve that stress and pain for you so you can feel empowered and create overall balance Read more

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