Transformational Kinesiology Practitioners

Best match results for transformational kinesiology practitioners in Australia + 30km.

    ⟠ Women's Embodiment Expert | Founder & CEO of Rising Wild | International Women's Coach | International Speaker ⟠ Hello beautiful woman, I'm so glad you're here! I'm Blair Rhianna. As a Women's Embodiment Expert, coach and mentor, my deepest passion helping you come out from behind the mask, reconnect to your true self and embrace your full aliveness in life, love and leadership. You are loveable. You are worthy. You are powerful. And you deserve to know it, down to your very bones. To... Read more

    What would you like to transform in your life? Whatever stresses that are showing up for you are real. What if you had a practitioner who really was able to assist you to understand those deep stressors that are affecting you on a deep subconscious and unconscious level. A kinesiologist uses your muscles to identify how your body is holding that stress and then how it is best able to move through it to get to the other side. We are Diploma qualified and Jany is also a Master and Certificate Science... Read more

    Are you tired of suffering from the constant struggle of Anxiety Depression, PTSD or Childhood Trauma? We provide programs and services that empower you to be free from physical, mental and emotional pain. Often when we have emotional pain this can also lead to physical pain. Explore our range of treatment plans and services you will be empowered with all the practical tools. Explore our Empowering Women 14-16 August 2020 and Empowering Men Weekend Retreats 21-23 August 2020 at Riverwood... Read more

    I specialise in treating childre and adults with past history of abuse and trauma. I have worked in the child prtections industry for over 25 years. I understand that many symptoms and behaviours of children including ADHAD diognoses', learning difficulties, bed wetting, violence etc are trauma based and can be treated with natural therapies including kinesiology rather than pschotherapy and medication. we are able to explore underlying issues through counselling and muscle monitoring, activate regions... Read more

    Metaphysical and Energetic Kinesiology and Body-Mind-Spirit Balance. Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing, New Chakras, Vibrational Healing. Personal and Remote Sessions. Practising for over 26 Years, Trainer, Instructor, Workshop and Advanced Kinesiology Course Author. Myra Sri offers a safe space and a sure combination of skills and capabilities for the Sensitive Soul, spiritual journeyer and light seeker. As an author, Myra Sri has published a series of books that encompass; Advanced Aromatherapy... Read more

    If life has you feeling stressed, tired, anxious, in pain, sick/with illness, emotional, sleep deprived, overweight, or just low in energy then discover what neuro training & energetic kinesiology can do for you.  Kinesiology, neuro training & holistic techniques applied are designed to release stress reconnect with your innate mind-body intelligence for you to recuperate to your full potential  Support, tools and guidance are offered to assist with mental emotional physical recuperation from... Read more

    Offering transformational Kinesiology balances from the heart of the forest in the Dandenong Ranges, Monbulk, Melbourne. I also offer fully accredited Kinesiology courses in Ringwood and Monbulk, Melbourne. Learn the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology model of Kinesiology training to become a Kinesiologist. The EMK training is practical, flexible and an accelerated way to study Kinesiology in Melbourne. You can become a fully qualified Kinesiologist in under 10 months for a portion of the... Read more

    PERFORMANCE KINESIOLOGIST + COACHING Elevate your life + gain your edge Helping people achieve long lasting success and regain vitality, become happier, more motivated, feeling healthier, enjoy closer relationships without limitations. For the high-achiever who wants fast & powerful results. Together we will break through any challenges you are facing to improve your health, fitness, career, business, relationships, spiritual practice or just the desire to be better. Live a life on purpose... Read more

    I offer a complete range of energy-based healing modalities to help you physically, emotionally, spiritually and soulfully. All treatments are personalised to your individual needs and circumstances. Are you feeling : Anxious Stressed Exhausted A little stuck ...then let me help you.. For your peace of mind I am a Certified practitioner in Forensic Healing , Reiki and Energy Healing. Please visit my website to find out more about how I can help you. I look forward to speaking... Read more

    Embracing all souls, Pali offers a unique approach to inspire and promote healing, alignment and growth. At Pali, we've found that every perceived challenge can be an opportunity to flourish and evolve. We believe the secret to healing, wellbeing and vitality is found through balancing the energy within and around us, leveraging our intuition and realising our innate power. With this understanding, we use ancient & modern techniques to support healing, empower alignment and inspire growth helping... Read more

    Developed over 35 years ago, the Dawson Program, which is also known as Vibrational Kinesiology, views the human body as a naturally self-creating, self-correcting system when given the opportunity to do so. The Dawson Program does not diagnose any specific condition but rather seeks to initiate the return of the body to its optimum condition of wellbeing through the correction of its electrical (energy) systems, the innate intelligence residing in all humans and animals will undertake the consequent... Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    We work together with your unconscious mind diving into your past to identify what is holding you back in any aspect of your life. Using a combination of somatic experiencing, NLP and hypnotic language designed to speak with the unconscious mind, we locate the outdated emotions and beliefs that once kept you safe, but now hinder your growth and cause conflict and blocks in your daily life. My practice is trauma informed and I use a combination of techniques to create safety in your body and... Read more

    Gorgeous soul, is your lack of confidence, anxiety, fears and insecurities sabotaging you? cropped-TIS.jpgMany women lack confidence, belief and self worth. Resulting in them being fearful and insecure, feeling anxious and/or stressed. Doubting their decisions as well as their ability to make change. Often these beautiful souls… sabotage and/or block their goals and desires; seek validation from external sources; are feeling stuck and that life isn’t flowing; attract toxic relationships,... Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    Tune into the amazing healing powers of your body. Kinesiology is able to locate energy blockages in your body which can contribute to fatigue, anxiety, aching muscles and poor digestion. Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    Holistic wellness in the Inner North of Melbourne. Skype appointments also available. - Kinesiology - Sound healing - Flower essence treatments (Australian Bush Flowers) Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    Lifetime martial artist, teaching most intuitive, fewest amount of movements for the widest range of scenarios (self defense/sparring/competition) 7 years experience Personal Training / Diet coaching. PT or Group training utilises mixed martial arts basics as well as kettlebells and interval training. Coaching includes kinesiology/Chinese medicine/NLP to overcome any obstacles to people's unique goals Read more

    Insight meditation and spiritual science instruction Read more

    Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) is a holistic natural therapy. It combines theories and knowledge from various modalities such as traditional Chinese medicine, physiotherapy, chiropractic, naturopathy and counselling. What makes kinesiology unique is that it uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to tailor each treatment specifically to you. It can be helpful for all areas of life, from emotional issues right through to relief of physical pain. The definition of equilibrium is: "a state of... Read more

    Bio-Nutritional Therapy is a 100% evidence based, holistic approach to healthcare. We identify the key biochemical changes that occur in disease and use food as medicine to manipulate your unique biochemistry to restore balance and change the course of disease. Read more

    Intuitive healing within is all about being client driven, working at your own pace and achieving balance within yourself. We use the biofeedback of your body through muscle testing, to work through these limitations and emotional blockages together. The aim of this is for you to achieve your goals, have more energy, reduce pain and live your best life forward. Let's relieve that stress and pain for you so you can feel empowered and create overall balance Read more

    Unique Health and Wellness is a Natural Health Clinic In Beautiful Noosaville on the Sunshine Coast, offering services such as, Kinesiology, Acupuncute, Naturopath, Bowen Therapy & More, All presented by Dr. Wayne Pickstone (Dr. Of Chinese Medicine). Currently now offering his services by phone or via coming into the clinic 50% off your first naturopathic consultation! If you are looking to improve your energy levels, digestive health, remove any emotional turmoil in your life, lose unwanted... Read more

    Kinesiology is a gentle modality using muscle feedback to receive information from the body. It combines eastern and western traditions to enhance the body's natural ability to heal itself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Read more

    An accredited Holistic Kinesiologist based on Sydney's Northern Beaches, Natalia helps her clients with a wide range of physical and psychological conditions, including stress, anxiety, insomnia and digestive problems. She is very passionate about supporting clients in their journey of self-discovery, educating them about healthy lifestyle, mind and body connection and nutrition. Natalia’s gentle and nurturing approach empowers clients to take responsibility for their physical and emotional well-being... Read more

    Neuro-Training Kinesiology incorporating neuro science with natural therapies and wisdom from the east! This solution orientated, complete modality addresses nervous system imbalances and compensations to bring about true recuperation on the physical, mental, emotional and meridian planes, enabling you to be the very best version of your unique self. Do you need help with... . Physical Pain, Restriction & Imbalances . Injury Recovery . Energy . Emotional Stress . Healing from Grief, Loss,... Read more

    Spiritual Healing Transformational Kinesiology

    Catherine Neo is Kinesiology practitioner and is available for appointments on Mondays (10am - 7pm) from the office of Vitality Chiropractic Australia. For additional information or to schedule an appointment feel free to contact the clinic. Read more

    Did you know your body is designed to heal itself? Are you suffering chronic pain or illness? Think you have to live with the symptoms? Lacking energy and motivation? Tried everything you can think of? With the help of kinesiology and muscle testing we identify and clear blockages so your body may start healing itself. Scientifically based, founded on Chiropractic, and incorporating ancient Chinese techniques, Kinesiology is the most comprehensive of all natural therapies. Choose to... Read more

    Health, harmony and happiness for mind, body and spirit is the service we offer at Reclaim Wellness. To achieve this we use verbal consultation and kinesiology (gentle muscle testing) to uncover the underlying stresses held in the body that are the reason for your current symptoms. We then clear the underlying stresses with various energetic healing techniques including accupressure, colour therapy, chakra balancing, flower essences, essential oils, sound therapy etc (the mind, body and spirit... Read more

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