The Posterior Chain is also important in the stability of your knee, hips and spine. Therefore, if these muscles are strong, it may result in a decreased risk of both sporting and general injury.
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The true reasons personal training works (& it's not why you think)
Pretty simple and no great revelation but in practice scheduling and committing to a workout matters a lot, and for most people it's the greatest challenge. There’s no other way forward with regards to significantly improving your fitness or body composition other than consistent exercise sessions accumulated over time. Intensity, exercise selection and brilliant technique will never be a substitute for turning up.
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Over-the-counter vitamins or Practitioner-only supplements: what's best?
Have you ever looked at that bottle of fish oil or 'shelf stable' probiotic sitting on the dusty supermarket shelf and wondered to yourself: “How long has THAT been there? Am I just wasting my money?” This article looks at the truth about supplements and explains where you can get the most benefit.
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The benefits of pregnancy massage
The benefits of pregnancy massage Week by week pregnancy demands adjustment. For your pregnancy massage practitioner, this presents an opportunity to support these physical changes with body therapy. Things that pregnant clients commonly complain of include: aching feet, sore neck, sore shoulders, fatigue, and upper and lower back pain. None of this seems surprising considering the postural changes and pressure on the spine associated with a rapid increase in weight over 9 months.
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Injury Prevention Strategies for Basketball Players
Basketball Coaches promote an open and honest environment where players feel comfortable reporting injuries or discomfort. Ignoring early warning signs can lead to more severe injuries down the line. Players are encouraged to speak up, and coaches ensure they have access to medical professionals for assessment and treatment.
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How a massage can help your pregnancy
Pregnancy can often be a confusing time. Physical changes, varying hormonal levels, emotional upheaval can be mixed with feelings of joy and excitement. This article explores how massage can help you to relax, and other ways it can improve your pregnancy.
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Why we need yoga and mindfulness in Early Childhood
Mental health awareness is highlighting the many challenges that kids are facing today. Yoga and mindfulness teaches kids to love themselves as they are, it develops robust resilience and boosts self-esteem whilst creating confidence to build relationships and to reach out to ask for help when it’s needed.
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Seven strategies to improve your quality of sleep
How well do you sleep? Is sleep, the most important aspect to maintain good health? The reality is you can have a really healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, practice yoga and be on the best quality supplements, but if you don’t get quality sleep, your health will be compromised. Keep reading for more strategies that will help improve your quality of sleep.
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Unlocking the Passion: Why Australians Love Martial Arts Fitness
Martial arts encompasses a vast array of styles, from karate and taekwondo to Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai. Australians love the diversity martial arts offers, allowing them to choose a style that resonates with their personality and goals. This variety not only keeps the workouts exciting but also encourages personal growth as individuals challenge themselves to master new techniques and levels.
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Why should you think about taking up traditional Taekwondo?
Engaging in regular physical activity like Taekwondo can be a great way to relieve stress.
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The gift of pain
Pain really is our most honest voice. It is a gift designed to protect us from further pain and tell us that we have incredible value and need to be protected. Pain tells us what is not right and informs us about the things that are unsustainable and emotionally damaging that need changing. This article explains how you can listen to pain and use it to learn for the future.
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The History of Soccer and Its Influence on Today's Clubs
Soccer Clubs will play an even more vital role in the physical and emotional development of players. They provide not just athletic skills but life skills that will serve players well in any endeavor. Soccer Coaches will remain the driving force behind the success of Soccer Clubs. Their dedication to the sport and their passion for nurturing young talents will continue to shape the future of soccer.
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What's the difference between Restorative + Yin Yoga?
In a pose it’s encouraged to let go of muscular involvement to target the deeper connective tissues of the body such as fascia Some schools of Yin will teach Yin as a ‘cold’ practice, done without a warm-up as a way to protect students from going in to the held stretches too deeply In poses, you might be guided through mindfulness techniques to draw your awareness to letting your muscles relax, to target your ligaments, fascia and joints instead Yin might be considered a useful practice for building bone density
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Anatomical Breakdown of the Squat
. Being a highly functional exercise the squat provides strength for real life daily activities as oppose to simply being able to push gym equipment. It is however an exercise where too often poor technique or initially too much weight is used leading to fatigue, poor technique, injury and frustration.
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How yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
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5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
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The Role of Massage in Sports Performance and Recovery
Massage isn’t just about relaxation (though that’s a fantastic perk!). For athletes, it’s all about maintaining peak performance and ensuring their bodies can handle the demands of their sport. Think of it as a secret weapon in their training arsenal. There are several types of massage that athletes typically turn to, including Remedial Massage, Sports Massage, and Deep Tissue Massage, each offering unique benefits.
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