How does laser tattoo removal work?
Let’s first understand how tattoos work. The tattoo pigment is placed in the Dermis. This is the deeper layers of the skin, and the ink particles cannot be absorbed by the body here. This makes the ink permanent. Tattoo laser removal works by directing the laser light onto the tattoo. The laser light is set at wavelengths depending on the ink colour. Black ink is the easiest to remove or fade. Reds, blues, and greens can take a little longer. The tattoo ink absorbs the laser light, and the ink particles are shattered into tiny little particles.
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Everyone is a Healer
The other day I was doing our local headland walk and as I passed the playground, a three year old took a fall off his bike and grazed his knee. His dad came over to comfort him and put his hand on his knee. It was lovely to see how quickly the child turned from tears to smiles. You might also remember the comforting touch of your mum or dad when you took a fall as a kid. A parent’s touch actually helps injuries improve faster because of the healing energy that is naturally sent from the hands.
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New Research Reveals the Secret To Happiness
The General Social Survey is reported to be one of the best sources of US happiness data. The most recent survey shows the top three things that impact people’s happiness most are health, relationships and financial circumstances:
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Are you suffering Adenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is a condition that turns up when we need it least - when we're stressed! Many people may experience these symptoms and think it's associated with depression or another issue, and try to resolve the symptoms rather than permanently fixing the real problem. If you suffer from three or more of the symptoms in this article, you may be suffering from adrenal insufficiency or fatigue.
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Why you need a natural mineral drink in your diet
The human body may not receive all the nutrition it requires to ensure our wellbeing and help us to perform at an optimum level. Although your body will be able to produce a few vitamins, it is unable to manufacture minerals or trace elements. The long-term effects of this impact your general wellbeing and can lead to conditions linked to inadequate nutrition. This article explains the benefits of including a natural mineral drink in your diet.
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Discover the Benefits of Karate
The journey through karate schools entails setting and achieving goals, advancing through belt ranks with unwavering dedication. This experience instills the importance of goal setting and persistence, crafting versatile individuals.
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Unleashing Mental Strength: The Impact of Karate on Your Mind
Karate, beyond its striking moves and powerful strikes, has the remarkable ability to transform your mind.
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What is normal health?
The list of illnesses that plague the modern world are basically signs and symptoms that something is going wrong in our bodies, and collectively so because many people are suffering from them. The problem is we have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to eat and live a certain way, but we have abandoned that way of living and our health is declining because of it.
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Your pet is your mirror
Communicating successfully with our pets is an age-old topic of fascination. In the majority of cases, the direction is us trying to get a message across to our pets – except in those classic cases when you feel like your animal friend is ‘trying to tell you something’. But the ways in which pets provide feedback may go much deeper than that
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About kinesiology and what it does to your body
Kinesiology looks at the body as a whole - Mind, Body and Spirit, as one unit. If there is an imbalance in one area then it’s probably impacting the other areas. Kinesiology, through muscle monitoring allows us to determine where these imbalances are without the need for conscious awareness. This article explains why.
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Is your yoga teacher right for you?
Deciphering whether your yoga teacher is helping you or holding you back can be a tricky process, so we’ve listed some questions to ask yourself to help you start. Is your yoga teacher helping or hindering you? As with anything, choosing the right yoga teacher for you is pivotal to success and growth, both physically and mentally.
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Preparing for a half marathon (21km) race
Half Marathon season usually runs through the colder months but you should bargain on at least 3 months of training required, even if from a standing start. Literally, you are not running and then you run a half marathon 3 months later. I have run the SMH half marathon and the Blackmores half marathon now a number of times in sub 2 hours, not a great time but OK. As a beginner moving to intermediate running these are my half marathon running tips.
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Finding the Best Self Defence Coaches & Instructors
Look for self defence gyms or classes that offer a variety of techniques, including striking, grappling, and situational drills. A well-rounded curriculum ensures that you are equipped to handle diverse scenarios effectively.
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Are you reading this slumped over your smartphone?
On average, people spend approximately two to four hours (or more!) a day slumped over their phone. Be warned. It’s called ‘Smart Phone Syndrome' and it puts pressure on the spine that can lead to surgery. Find out how you can correct it.
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Looking for an alternative for your health and wellbeing?
There are so many choices for health and wellbeing; it is hard to decide what may work for you. As a practitioner in Kinesiology, Reiki and Wellbeing Coach I can share some insight. Read this article to discover what alternative therapy may be best for your health and wellbeing.
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10 reasons for Teenagers to attend Counselling
If you're questioning treatment for your teen, err on the side of caution and contact a professional.
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Ten signs you could have a thyroid problem
If you have a thyroid problem you could be experiencing several symptoms. This article goes into some details on each of the symptoms so you can make an informed decision about whether you need a professional or not.
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