5 great things about mobile personal training
'Functional fitness' is a trendy term. Basically it means you exercise in a way which is more like movements you do in daily life. This includes picking things up, putting things down, getting up and down from a chair.
Read more3 tips to decluttering your life
Spring time normally brings about better weather and an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors again, and the desire shared by many to “declutter their lives”. Clearing clutter improves our physical space, health and wellbeing, builds clarity and allows us to feel more organised in our lives, and creates a sense of tranquility and calm. These three tips will help you to declutter your physical, emotional and mental spaces so you can reap the benefits.
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Why should you think about taking up traditional Taekwondo?
Engaging in regular physical activity like Taekwondo can be a great way to relieve stress.
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Hypnotherapy to deal with pain
We are all familiar with medication to deal with pain, however hypnosis is the most frequently cited form of non-pharmacologic cognitive pain control. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is where one's attention is focused; this creates an environment in which the brain can process information to bring about beneficial changes in a person. This essay explores how hypnosis can be used for pain.
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Are you suffering Adenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is a condition that turns up when we need it least - when we're stressed! Many people may experience these symptoms and think it's associated with depression or another issue, and try to resolve the symptoms rather than permanently fixing the real problem. If you suffer from three or more of the symptoms in this article, you may be suffering from adrenal insufficiency or fatigue.
Read moreWhy your hypnotherapist should be trained in counselling
Depending on the issue(s) that you’re coming to hypnotherapy for, there’s a good chance that you will need to also receive counselling support to address the full extent of the problem so that hypnotherapy can be as effective as possible. If this doesn’t happen, it’s unlikely that hypnotherapy alone will be able to successfully treat your problem(s) and in some cases, it can actually make things worse. This article discusses why.
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5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
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Ten signs you could have a thyroid problem
If you have a thyroid problem you could be experiencing several symptoms. This article goes into some details on each of the symptoms so you can make an informed decision about whether you need a professional or not.
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Mental illness - how it impacts people
It is time to educate yourselves and see mental illness for what it is and find acceptance in the reality that it is a different type of Illness that exists among human beings. If you have mental illness, it is time you knew this truth also. The stigma that is present is only present due to lack of education on the topic, therefore causing ignorance. This article looks at what it is about mental illness that is affecting people.
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Why exercise is a fantastic return on investment
Commitment in the long-term results in all of those benefits just described. AND significant health benefits such as increased bone density, reduced blood pressure and cellular level changes which slow the ageing process. Your heart also gets bigger and more efficient. Then there’s the positive effects on insulin and associated improvements with blood sugar levels and better management of conditions such as diabetes.
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How to Lose Fat When Personal Training
According to fitness guru , Tom Venuto, you should be including 30 minutes of vigorous, sweaty cardio into your weekly exercise program four to six times per week. Most people need four to six days per week.
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How yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
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Both osteopathy and chiropractic services can be invaluable complementary medicines alongside professional medical guidance. However, since choosing between them can be a challenge, it’s always advisable to consult either a professional physician/doctor or a local osteopath/chiropractor for more specific guidance on their unique range of services.
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Finding the Best Swimming Coach in Australia
A positive and conducive learning environment is crucial for effective swimming lessons. Evaluate the swimming facility where the coach conducts their lessons. Look for clean and well-maintained facilities, including well-kept swimming pools and changing rooms. A comfortable and safe learning environment can enhance the overall swimming experience.
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Seven Reasons to Learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Wylie Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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How you are within directly affects how well you lead.
You might lead a small team, or maybe a few hundred or even thousands of people. If you are a leader in any form within your organisation then you have either, or will need to, transform yourself into a larger possibility. Growing your business means growing yourself and taking others on the journey. And they will look to you as their leader.
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The gift of pain
Pain really is our most honest voice. It is a gift designed to protect us from further pain and tell us that we have incredible value and need to be protected. Pain tells us what is not right and informs us about the things that are unsustainable and emotionally damaging that need changing. This article explains how you can listen to pain and use it to learn for the future.
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