Events for kids in Chirn Park

If I had a magic wand, I would gift more energy, lowered blood pressure, less stress and toxicity, more flexibility, connection and peace of mind into your life. Sadly I don't. Instead, I'd like to give you the next best thing, knowledge on how to increase your health span yourself, with easy, simple but effective ways, mentoring and support.  Shanti Yoga is the healing life path of simple peace that encompasses every stage and layer of your being, through its sacred movement, sacred breathing, and sacred rest. It is not about complex 'poses', in exotic locations, to impress people on social media. Authentic yoga gently helps you focus on what matters most. In the process, you reverse the declines of stress, illness, toxicity, inflammation, and aging and restore your energy and well-being to youthful levels. You feel yourself move with more ease, feel better, behave better, worry less, sleep better, and do better to begin to heal yourself and the world. Holding the space for transformation to occur, we use the tools of gentle yoga, deep relaxation and mindfulness meditation with yoga breathing, integrating these into wellness and health care to help you with the shifts you are ready for. Also available is our weekly Body-and-Soul community singing, and weekly fun movement class called Dance Monkey. Here, at the Shanti Yoga Centre, you find yourself…and love what you find.