Chakra Healing events for kids in Victoria

  • Location: MelbourneVIC 3004
  • Dates: from 13 Feb 2020 to 10 Dec 2020

I welcome you to join my soul nourishing, uplifting, and nurturing Sister Circles! This is a space where the intellectual mind can rest as we connect deeply with our hearts and energy centres. This supports you to restore your health, happiness and vibrancy! This gathering is open to all women who are ready to create powerful and positive change in their lives. The Sister Circles are a wonderful source of support, comfort and empowerment. The energy that forms through sitting together in circle is transformative. Held every two weeks, Thursday nights 7:30pm – 8:30pm at Soul Blossom Reiki Visit the Soul Blossom Reiki website for more information and to book!