Counselling events for kids

  • Location: South PenrithNSW 2750
  • Dates: from 22 Jun 2024 to 23 Jun 2024

Come and Learn Reiki. Get attuned to this powerful healing energy and learn all you need to know to use the energy on yourself and other people. What is Usui Reiki? Usui Reiki is named after Dr. Mikao Usui who discovered it in Japan in the 1920s. He brought this healing modality to the modern world after experiencing his enlightenment and initiation to Reiki. Reiki means – Universal Life Force Energy. Shaz Cini is a Reiki Master Teacher. Classes are held over a 2-day weekend for a maximum of 10 people. Where – South Penrith. What to expect? You will learn Usui Reiki. I believe that it is important to honour and respect the work of Dr. Mikao Usui. Although we do allow it to grow and evolve with the times. Over the weekend you are attuned to the level you are scheduled for. Besides creating a safe environment for you, we demonstrate how to give energy healing to each other. You practice plenty of hands-on activities and are invited to ask lots of questions. The weekend is tailored to the specific needs of the students in attendance. Therefore, the collective energy will direct each day. Accordingly, it becomes free-flowing and unstructured as defined by the group dynamics. To illustrate that when you work with energy you need to be flexible and free. Reiki also opens you up to higher levels of healing and understanding at deeper levels of consciousness. Afterwards, you are offered ongoing support, continued connection, and education as one of their Reiki initiates. The next Reiki Workshop is 22nd and 23rd June 2024. $250 Level 1 and 2 each.

  • Location: SouthportQLD 4215
  • Dates: from 15 Jan 2024 to 15 Dec 2024

If I had a magic wand, I would gift more energy, lowered blood pressure, less stress and toxicity, more flexibility, connection and peace of mind into your life. Sadly I don't. Instead, I'd like to give you the next best thing, knowledge on how to increase your health span yourself, with easy, simple but effective ways, mentoring and support.  Shanti Yoga is the healing life path of simple peace that encompasses every stage and layer of your being, through its sacred movement, sacred breathing, and sacred rest. It is not about complex 'poses', in exotic locations, to impress people on social media. Authentic yoga gently helps you focus on what matters most. In the process, you reverse the declines of stress, illness, toxicity, inflammation, and aging and restore your energy and well-being to youthful levels. You feel yourself move with more ease, feel better, behave better, worry less, sleep better, and do better to begin to heal yourself and the world. Holding the space for transformation to occur, we use the tools of gentle yoga, deep relaxation and mindfulness meditation with yoga breathing, integrating these into wellness and health care to help you with the shifts you are ready for. Also available is our weekly Body-and-Soul community singing, and weekly fun movement class called Dance Monkey. Here, at the Shanti Yoga Centre, you find yourself…and love what you find.