5 fun partner poses to do with your kids
Practicing yoga with kid’s increases bonds, builds self-esteem and helps create strong families. All you need is a bit of space and a willingness to give it a go. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, have a look at these five fun partner yoga poses…
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3 tips to keeping fit and healthy for a lifetime
When it comes to our health we will often shop around for the best doctors, specialists and advisors. We will spend thousands of dollars on medication, doctor and specialist visits without a second thought when it comes to our health and well being... Yet when we are looking to invest in our own health and fitness (for those that do) many are looking for the cheapest options to get fit and healthy rather than the best fit for our needs. These three simple steps will help you keep fit and healthy for a lifetime (within your budget)!
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What does an Osteopath even do??
We get it. Lots of people don’t really know exactly what we do. First of all, it doesn’t help that our name is a massive misnomer, a relic of the past where bony “alignment” was emphasised far more than what we know to be useful today.
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Discover the Benefits of Karate
The journey through karate schools entails setting and achieving goals, advancing through belt ranks with unwavering dedication. This experience instills the importance of goal setting and persistence, crafting versatile individuals.
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How To Survive Mother's Day With A Difficult Mother
Some adult daughters have difficult relationships with their mum, still seeking their mother’s approval for their career, for their love interests, for her acceptance and unconditional love. They revert to being a child in their mother’s presence, wanting mum to nurture and encourage them, maintaining hope that mum will hold the little girl in her lap of tenderness, stroking her fondly, speaking gently from doting mother to her adoring child. This is the fantasy that adult daughters dream about.
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The Health Pulse of The Sutherland Shire
It’s no secret that stress, obesity and other health related problems are big news across the world right now. But every day Australians are fighting back with an ever increasing number of people elevating their wellness regimes to the likes of a religion, committing to daily habits and rituals of self-care and worship. In this blog, the spotlight is on the Sutherland Shire. Read on for the most popular online searches in wellness are for the people of Sutherland...
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What is The Buteyko Breathing Method?
'Is disease driving the breath, or is the breath driving disease?'
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Injury Prevention Strategies for Basketball Players
Basketball Coaches promote an open and honest environment where players feel comfortable reporting injuries or discomfort. Ignoring early warning signs can lead to more severe injuries down the line. Players are encouraged to speak up, and coaches ensure they have access to medical professionals for assessment and treatment.
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What Type of Yoga is Best for Beginners?
Starting your yoga journey can be both exciting and daunting. With various styles available, it’s essential to choose one that suits your abilities and preferences. Beginners Yoga is designed to introduce newcomers to the fundamentals, ensuring a gentle and supportive introduction to the practice. Yin Yoga encourages relaxation and deep stretching, perfect for easing into your new routine. Yoga Nidra, often referred to as ‘yogic sleep,’ offers a unique experience of guided meditation that can help you release stress and find tranquility.
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How to Lose Fat When Personal Training
According to fitness guru , Tom Venuto, you should be including 30 minutes of vigorous, sweaty cardio into your weekly exercise program four to six times per week. Most people need four to six days per week.
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Trail Running Tips
Your propensity for a sprained ankle or stumble is higher than road running, much higher and you’d better have strong glutes (Buttocks), there is more climbing as well. These are my tips for newbies and those who have been doing this for a short time.
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How yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
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Just breathe – 3 calming techniques for you and your child
Check-in with yourself in this very moment. How are you feeling right now? Take a minute to watch what your breath is doing. If you are relaxed you will find that your breath is slow and calm. If you’re having a difficult day you may find that your breath is short and shallow. Our breath centres how we feel and it influences how we respond to what is happening around us.
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Preparing for a half marathon (21km) race
Half Marathon season usually runs through the colder months but you should bargain on at least 3 months of training required, even if from a standing start. Literally, you are not running and then you run a half marathon 3 months later. I have run the SMH half marathon and the Blackmores half marathon now a number of times in sub 2 hours, not a great time but OK. As a beginner moving to intermediate running these are my half marathon running tips.
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Do you lose control during hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy uses a light or a medium trance. This means that while your conscious mind is distracted or in a state of relaxation, your subconscious mind becomes fully awake and active, thus facilitating rapid transformation. You remain in full control, aware of your surroundings and actions at all times.
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10 reasons for Teenagers to attend Counselling
If you're questioning treatment for your teen, err on the side of caution and contact a professional.
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Base Conditioning for Obstacle Racing
The essential exercises & expert training tips that will enable you to excel in your next event. If you are just starting out in obstacle racing, looking to improve your strength and performance or wishing to bullet-proof your body against injury, then this article is for you.
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