Controlling your thoughts through meditation
A Wellness Coach analyses the goal of meditation as a way to regain control over our mind in this article. It claims meditation allows us the freedom to choose a meditation that suits our individuality. There are meditations to suit all individuals including the over-thinkers, the yogi’s, the young at heart and those that find it difficult to sit still. Read more to find out how meditation can affect you and which may be best for you.
Read moreEye spy a trauma cure
Accredited experts and organisations, including the World Health Organisation are giving the thumbs up to Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a way of treating trauma. Find out why.
Read more5 easy tips for better breathing
Our modern stressed sedentary lifestyle has shifted our breathing patterns away from our natural breath. Many of us have adopted poor and ineffective breathing patterns, negatively impacting our physical and mental health.
Read moreWhy you need a natural mineral drink in your diet
The human body may not receive all the nutrition it requires to ensure our wellbeing and help us to perform at an optimum level. Although your body will be able to produce a few vitamins, it is unable to manufacture minerals or trace elements. The long-term effects of this impact your general wellbeing and can lead to conditions linked to inadequate nutrition. This article explains the benefits of including a natural mineral drink in your diet.
Read moreOver-the-counter vitamins or Practitioner-only supplements: what's best?
Have you ever looked at that bottle of fish oil or 'shelf stable' probiotic sitting on the dusty supermarket shelf and wondered to yourself: “How long has THAT been there? Am I just wasting my money?” This article looks at the truth about supplements and explains where you can get the most benefit.
Read moreHow yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
Read moreAre you suffering Adenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is a condition that turns up when we need it least - when we're stressed! Many people may experience these symptoms and think it's associated with depression or another issue, and try to resolve the symptoms rather than permanently fixing the real problem. If you suffer from three or more of the symptoms in this article, you may be suffering from adrenal insufficiency or fatigue.
Read moreHow does laser tattoo removal work?
Let’s first understand how tattoos work. The tattoo pigment is placed in the Dermis. This is the deeper layers of the skin, and the ink particles cannot be absorbed by the body here. This makes the ink permanent. Tattoo laser removal works by directing the laser light onto the tattoo. The laser light is set at wavelengths depending on the ink colour. Black ink is the easiest to remove or fade. Reds, blues, and greens can take a little longer. The tattoo ink absorbs the laser light, and the ink particles are shattered into tiny little particles.
Read moreFull Moon Eclipse - I forgive, I heal, I set myself free
Forgiveness “When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.”-Nelson Mandela.
Read moreWhat is The Buteyko Breathing Method?
'Is disease driving the breath, or is the breath driving disease?'
Read moreDon't let winter beat your fitness goals
If you are like me, winter is not your favourite part of the year and trying to achieve your fitness goals when it’s cold, is hard work! The shorter days and colder weather definitely challenges my willpower and energy levels to keep working out – but I still manage to get it done... yes staying fit over the winter is that important to me! Become a winter morning warrior with these tips to get out of bed and start your workout routine each morning.
Read moreAre you reading this slumped over your smartphone?
On average, people spend approximately two to four hours (or more!) a day slumped over their phone. Be warned. It’s called ‘Smart Phone Syndrome' and it puts pressure on the spine that can lead to surgery. Find out how you can correct it.
Read more10 reasons for Teenagers to attend Counselling
If you're questioning treatment for your teen, err on the side of caution and contact a professional.
Read moreMeditation For Managing Chronic Pain
Sitting in quiet meditation and allowing the noise of the mind to pass by brings awareness of your own inner strength. In meditation you’re no longer in the midst of all the noise, rather you’re sitting at the boundary observing it. This brings perspective, an understanding of the transience of everything in life, even of negative emotions.
Read moreWhat Type of Yoga is Best for Beginners?
Starting your yoga journey can be both exciting and daunting. With various styles available, it’s essential to choose one that suits your abilities and preferences. Beginners Yoga is designed to introduce newcomers to the fundamentals, ensuring a gentle and supportive introduction to the practice. Yin Yoga encourages relaxation and deep stretching, perfect for easing into your new routine. Yoga Nidra, often referred to as ‘yogic sleep,’ offers a unique experience of guided meditation that can help you release stress and find tranquility.
Read more5 fun partner poses to do with your kids
Practicing yoga with kid’s increases bonds, builds self-esteem and helps create strong families. All you need is a bit of space and a willingness to give it a go. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, have a look at these five fun partner yoga poses…
Read moreHow you are within directly affects how well you lead.
You might lead a small team, or maybe a few hundred or even thousands of people. If you are a leader in any form within your organisation then you have either, or will need to, transform yourself into a larger possibility. Growing your business means growing yourself and taking others on the journey. And they will look to you as their leader.
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