How Many Yoga Classes Should I Do a Week?
Finding the right number of yoga classes to attend each week can be tricky. It really depends on your personal fitness goals, lifestyle, and how much you want to immerse yourself in yoga. A few classes a week can provide significant benefits, but if you’re looking to deepen your practice, more frequent sessions may be the way to go. Remember, consistency is key to unlocking the full benefits of yoga!
Read moreHypnotherapy to deal with pain
We are all familiar with medication to deal with pain, however hypnosis is the most frequently cited form of non-pharmacologic cognitive pain control. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is where one's attention is focused; this creates an environment in which the brain can process information to bring about beneficial changes in a person. This essay explores how hypnosis can be used for pain.
Read more3 tips to keeping fit and healthy for a lifetime
When it comes to our health we will often shop around for the best doctors, specialists and advisors. We will spend thousands of dollars on medication, doctor and specialist visits without a second thought when it comes to our health and well being... Yet when we are looking to invest in our own health and fitness (for those that do) many are looking for the cheapest options to get fit and healthy rather than the best fit for our needs. These three simple steps will help you keep fit and healthy for a lifetime (within your budget)!
Read moreMeditation For Managing Chronic Pain
Sitting in quiet meditation and allowing the noise of the mind to pass by brings awareness of your own inner strength. In meditation you’re no longer in the midst of all the noise, rather you’re sitting at the boundary observing it. This brings perspective, an understanding of the transience of everything in life, even of negative emotions.
Read moreHow to excel in Martial Arts – outside of the Dojo
The problem seems to be that students are not shown the simple idea behind home training. Hours and hours of training at home is not what the instructor is asking of the student. The key to home training comes back to the same idea mentioned at the top of this article, repetition. This can be a simple 15-minute training session at home done daily or even every second day but it’s this repetition that is key!
Read more5 easy tips for better breathing
Our modern stressed sedentary lifestyle has shifted our breathing patterns away from our natural breath. Many of us have adopted poor and ineffective breathing patterns, negatively impacting our physical and mental health.
Read moreWhy exercise is a fantastic return on investment
Commitment in the long-term results in all of those benefits just described. AND significant health benefits such as increased bone density, reduced blood pressure and cellular level changes which slow the ageing process. Your heart also gets bigger and more efficient. Then there’s the positive effects on insulin and associated improvements with blood sugar levels and better management of conditions such as diabetes.
Read moreWhy you need a natural mineral drink in your diet
The human body may not receive all the nutrition it requires to ensure our wellbeing and help us to perform at an optimum level. Although your body will be able to produce a few vitamins, it is unable to manufacture minerals or trace elements. The long-term effects of this impact your general wellbeing and can lead to conditions linked to inadequate nutrition. This article explains the benefits of including a natural mineral drink in your diet.
Read moreHow does laser tattoo removal work?
Let’s first understand how tattoos work. The tattoo pigment is placed in the Dermis. This is the deeper layers of the skin, and the ink particles cannot be absorbed by the body here. This makes the ink permanent. Tattoo laser removal works by directing the laser light onto the tattoo. The laser light is set at wavelengths depending on the ink colour. Black ink is the easiest to remove or fade. Reds, blues, and greens can take a little longer. The tattoo ink absorbs the laser light, and the ink particles are shattered into tiny little particles.
Read moreBuying a Road Bike or just Upgrading
High cost, high complexity, do your research before you buy or upgrade, a mistake can be expensive in the long run. Read our tips from recent experience.
Read moreWhy should I do yoga?
When practised under the guidance of experienced teachers, yoga can serve as an effective pain management method. Along with easing the pain of arthritis, back pain, headaches and more, yoga will relieve tension in parts of your body you weren’t even aware of.
Read moreEye spy a trauma cure
Accredited experts and organisations, including the World Health Organisation are giving the thumbs up to Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a way of treating trauma. Find out why.
Read moreFastest Way to Reduce Anxiety
You will feel better, your body will thank you, and your coping skills will rise.Good chance those around you will also appreciate your increased calmness.
Read moreHow to Lose Fat When Personal Training
According to fitness guru , Tom Venuto, you should be including 30 minutes of vigorous, sweaty cardio into your weekly exercise program four to six times per week. Most people need four to six days per week.
Read moreWhat does an Osteopath even do??
We get it. Lots of people don’t really know exactly what we do. First of all, it doesn’t help that our name is a massive misnomer, a relic of the past where bony “alignment” was emphasised far more than what we know to be useful today.
Read moreBuild your resilence through exercise
Most of us already know that exercise helps release endorphins which are wonderful mood boosters. But did you know that exercise is a great contributing factor to help you build your mental resilience? Discover how you can build your mental resilience through exercise using these three important tips.
Read moreDiscover the Health & Recovery Secrets You've Been Missing Out on!
Tracing back centuries, cold water immersion, known in various cultures as cold therapy or cryotherapy, was embraced by ancient civilisations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians for health and spiritual purification. In Scandinavia, Vikings regarded it as a rite of passage, and in Japan, it became integral to the onsen and samurai traditions.
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