Finding Your Perfect Yoga Practice: Exploring Diverse Yoga Styles
Discover the right yoga style. At its core, yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India, aiming to unify the body, mind, and spirit through a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It’s not just about bending like a pretzel; it’s about finding balance and peace within yourself.If you’re looking for a gentle introduction to yoga, Hatha Yoga is a great starting point. Yin Yoga is all about relaxation and mindfulness.
Read moreThe Health Pulse of The Sutherland Shire
It’s no secret that stress, obesity and other health related problems are big news across the world right now. But every day Australians are fighting back with an ever increasing number of people elevating their wellness regimes to the likes of a religion, committing to daily habits and rituals of self-care and worship. In this blog, the spotlight is on the Sutherland Shire. Read on for the most popular online searches in wellness are for the people of Sutherland...
Read moreThe benefits of pregnancy massage
The benefits of pregnancy massage Week by week pregnancy demands adjustment. For your pregnancy massage practitioner, this presents an opportunity to support these physical changes with body therapy. Things that pregnant clients commonly complain of include: aching feet, sore neck, sore shoulders, fatigue, and upper and lower back pain. None of this seems surprising considering the postural changes and pressure on the spine associated with a rapid increase in weight over 9 months.
Read moreHow to excel in Martial Arts – outside of the Dojo
The problem seems to be that students are not shown the simple idea behind home training. Hours and hours of training at home is not what the instructor is asking of the student. The key to home training comes back to the same idea mentioned at the top of this article, repetition. This can be a simple 15-minute training session at home done daily or even every second day but it’s this repetition that is key!
Read more5 easy tips for better breathing
Our modern stressed sedentary lifestyle has shifted our breathing patterns away from our natural breath. Many of us have adopted poor and ineffective breathing patterns, negatively impacting our physical and mental health.
Read more5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
Read moreInjury Prevention Strategies for Basketball Players
Basketball Coaches promote an open and honest environment where players feel comfortable reporting injuries or discomfort. Ignoring early warning signs can lead to more severe injuries down the line. Players are encouraged to speak up, and coaches ensure they have access to medical professionals for assessment and treatment.
Read moreBase Conditioning for Obstacle Racing
The essential exercises & expert training tips that will enable you to excel in your next event. If you are just starting out in obstacle racing, looking to improve your strength and performance or wishing to bullet-proof your body against injury, then this article is for you.
Read moreDon't let winter beat your fitness goals
If you are like me, winter is not your favourite part of the year and trying to achieve your fitness goals when it’s cold, is hard work! The shorter days and colder weather definitely challenges my willpower and energy levels to keep working out – but I still manage to get it done... yes staying fit over the winter is that important to me! Become a winter morning warrior with these tips to get out of bed and start your workout routine each morning.
Both osteopathy and chiropractic services can be invaluable complementary medicines alongside professional medical guidance. However, since choosing between them can be a challenge, it’s always advisable to consult either a professional physician/doctor or a local osteopath/chiropractor for more specific guidance on their unique range of services.
Read moreTen signs you could have a thyroid problem
If you have a thyroid problem you could be experiencing several symptoms. This article goes into some details on each of the symptoms so you can make an informed decision about whether you need a professional or not.
Read moreWhy should I do yoga?
When practised under the guidance of experienced teachers, yoga can serve as an effective pain management method. Along with easing the pain of arthritis, back pain, headaches and more, yoga will relieve tension in parts of your body you weren’t even aware of.
Read moreBuild your resilence through exercise
Most of us already know that exercise helps release endorphins which are wonderful mood boosters. But did you know that exercise is a great contributing factor to help you build your mental resilience? Discover how you can build your mental resilience through exercise using these three important tips.
Read moreControlling your thoughts through meditation
A Wellness Coach analyses the goal of meditation as a way to regain control over our mind in this article. It claims meditation allows us the freedom to choose a meditation that suits our individuality. There are meditations to suit all individuals including the over-thinkers, the yogi’s, the young at heart and those that find it difficult to sit still. Read more to find out how meditation can affect you and which may be best for you.
Read moreHow yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
Read morePilates Benefits
Understand more about Pilates, why you should and shouldn't be doing Pilates and the benefits you can gain from Pilates.
Read moreHow to Lose Fat When Personal Training
According to fitness guru , Tom Venuto, you should be including 30 minutes of vigorous, sweaty cardio into your weekly exercise program four to six times per week. Most people need four to six days per week.
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