10 reasons for Teenagers to attend Counselling
If you're questioning treatment for your teen, err on the side of caution and contact a professional.
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Finding Your Perfect Yoga Practice: Exploring Diverse Yoga Styles
Discover the right yoga style. At its core, yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India, aiming to unify the body, mind, and spirit through a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It’s not just about bending like a pretzel; it’s about finding balance and peace within yourself.If you’re looking for a gentle introduction to yoga, Hatha Yoga is a great starting point. Yin Yoga is all about relaxation and mindfulness.
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5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
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Losing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
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Depression and deficiency of nutrients in the body
Depression is not only a mood or a lack of interest in life. Depression can be caused by attacks on our immune system by inflammation in the body. The depressive symptoms can be a bi-product of the lack of certain nutrients that the body is failing to absorb.
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What's the difference between Restorative + Yin Yoga?
In a pose it’s encouraged to let go of muscular involvement to target the deeper connective tissues of the body such as fascia Some schools of Yin will teach Yin as a ‘cold’ practice, done without a warm-up as a way to protect students from going in to the held stretches too deeply In poses, you might be guided through mindfulness techniques to draw your awareness to letting your muscles relax, to target your ligaments, fascia and joints instead Yin might be considered a useful practice for building bone density
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Both osteopathy and chiropractic services can be invaluable complementary medicines alongside professional medical guidance. However, since choosing between them can be a challenge, it’s always advisable to consult either a professional physician/doctor or a local osteopath/chiropractor for more specific guidance on their unique range of services.
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Trail Running Tips
Your propensity for a sprained ankle or stumble is higher than road running, much higher and you’d better have strong glutes (Buttocks), there is more climbing as well. These are my tips for newbies and those who have been doing this for a short time.
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Are you reading this slumped over your smartphone?
On average, people spend approximately two to four hours (or more!) a day slumped over their phone. Be warned. It’s called ‘Smart Phone Syndrome' and it puts pressure on the spine that can lead to surgery. Find out how you can correct it.
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Travel Running Advice and Tips
Travelling for business or just a holiday? Running while you are away can be a great experience and extremely rewarding. See sites as you have never seen them before as well as stay fresh and avoid jet lag.
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Preparing for a half marathon (21km) race
Half Marathon season usually runs through the colder months but you should bargain on at least 3 months of training required, even if from a standing start. Literally, you are not running and then you run a half marathon 3 months later. I have run the SMH half marathon and the Blackmores half marathon now a number of times in sub 2 hours, not a great time but OK. As a beginner moving to intermediate running these are my half marathon running tips.
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The History of Soccer and Its Influence on Today's Clubs
Soccer Clubs will play an even more vital role in the physical and emotional development of players. They provide not just athletic skills but life skills that will serve players well in any endeavor. Soccer Coaches will remain the driving force behind the success of Soccer Clubs. Their dedication to the sport and their passion for nurturing young talents will continue to shape the future of soccer.
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The gift of pain
Pain really is our most honest voice. It is a gift designed to protect us from further pain and tell us that we have incredible value and need to be protected. Pain tells us what is not right and informs us about the things that are unsustainable and emotionally damaging that need changing. This article explains how you can listen to pain and use it to learn for the future.
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Are you suffering Adenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is a condition that turns up when we need it least - when we're stressed! Many people may experience these symptoms and think it's associated with depression or another issue, and try to resolve the symptoms rather than permanently fixing the real problem. If you suffer from three or more of the symptoms in this article, you may be suffering from adrenal insufficiency or fatigue.
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Over-the-counter vitamins or Practitioner-only supplements: what's best?
Have you ever looked at that bottle of fish oil or 'shelf stable' probiotic sitting on the dusty supermarket shelf and wondered to yourself: “How long has THAT been there? Am I just wasting my money?” This article looks at the truth about supplements and explains where you can get the most benefit.
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How to Lose Fat When Personal Training
According to fitness guru , Tom Venuto, you should be including 30 minutes of vigorous, sweaty cardio into your weekly exercise program four to six times per week. Most people need four to six days per week.
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Base Conditioning for Obstacle Racing
The essential exercises & expert training tips that will enable you to excel in your next event. If you are just starting out in obstacle racing, looking to improve your strength and performance or wishing to bullet-proof your body against injury, then this article is for you.
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