The Posterior Chain is also important in the stability of your knee, hips and spine. Therefore, if these muscles are strong, it may result in a decreased risk of both sporting and general injury.
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About kinesiology and what it does to your body
Kinesiology looks at the body as a whole - Mind, Body and Spirit, as one unit. If there is an imbalance in one area then it’s probably impacting the other areas. Kinesiology, through muscle monitoring allows us to determine where these imbalances are without the need for conscious awareness. This article explains why.
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Pilates Benefits
Understand more about Pilates, why you should and shouldn't be doing Pilates and the benefits you can gain from Pilates.
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Yoga for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started
Discover the essentials of Yoga, including styles like Hatha and Yin Yoga, with this beginner's guide.
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How you are within directly affects how well you lead.
You might lead a small team, or maybe a few hundred or even thousands of people. If you are a leader in any form within your organisation then you have either, or will need to, transform yourself into a larger possibility. Growing your business means growing yourself and taking others on the journey. And they will look to you as their leader.
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The Health Pulse of The Sutherland Shire
It’s no secret that stress, obesity and other health related problems are big news across the world right now. But every day Australians are fighting back with an ever increasing number of people elevating their wellness regimes to the likes of a religion, committing to daily habits and rituals of self-care and worship. In this blog, the spotlight is on the Sutherland Shire. Read on for the most popular online searches in wellness are for the people of Sutherland...
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Finding the Best Self Defence Coaches & Instructors
Look for self defence gyms or classes that offer a variety of techniques, including striking, grappling, and situational drills. A well-rounded curriculum ensures that you are equipped to handle diverse scenarios effectively.
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Why we need yoga and mindfulness in Early Childhood
Mental health awareness is highlighting the many challenges that kids are facing today. Yoga and mindfulness teaches kids to love themselves as they are, it develops robust resilience and boosts self-esteem whilst creating confidence to build relationships and to reach out to ask for help when it’s needed.
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How yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
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What is The Buteyko Breathing Method?
'Is disease driving the breath, or is the breath driving disease?'
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Mental illness - how it impacts people
It is time to educate yourselves and see mental illness for what it is and find acceptance in the reality that it is a different type of Illness that exists among human beings. If you have mental illness, it is time you knew this truth also. The stigma that is present is only present due to lack of education on the topic, therefore causing ignorance. This article looks at what it is about mental illness that is affecting people.
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Seven strategies to improve your quality of sleep
How well do you sleep? Is sleep, the most important aspect to maintain good health? The reality is you can have a really healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, practice yoga and be on the best quality supplements, but if you don’t get quality sleep, your health will be compromised. Keep reading for more strategies that will help improve your quality of sleep.
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To get fit or lose fat takes focus- on the right things
Just as you don't teach someone to swim by dropping them in the middle of the ocean, you wouldn't start building your running endurance by going out for a 2 hour run. Conversely you wouldn't regard just a 2 minute run as useful either.
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What does an Osteopath even do??
We get it. Lots of people don’t really know exactly what we do. First of all, it doesn’t help that our name is a massive misnomer, a relic of the past where bony “alignment” was emphasised far more than what we know to be useful today.
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Meditation For Managing Chronic Pain
Sitting in quiet meditation and allowing the noise of the mind to pass by brings awareness of your own inner strength. In meditation you’re no longer in the midst of all the noise, rather you’re sitting at the boundary observing it. This brings perspective, an understanding of the transience of everything in life, even of negative emotions.
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Are you suffering Adenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is a condition that turns up when we need it least - when we're stressed! Many people may experience these symptoms and think it's associated with depression or another issue, and try to resolve the symptoms rather than permanently fixing the real problem. If you suffer from three or more of the symptoms in this article, you may be suffering from adrenal insufficiency or fatigue.
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Losing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
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