Anxiety and stress – what's the difference?
Hypnotherapists often meet clients who say ‘how scared and overwhelmed’ they are when they experience Anxiety & Stress. As part of client therapy, some hypnotherapists make time to explain and clarify what Anxiety & Stress is and how they are linked. It can be important to communicate the differences because this means, clients have an understanding and awareness of what is really happening. It takes away any ‘unknown and associated fears’. This article explores the difference between stress and anxiety, so you can get the best treatment.
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How To Survive Mother's Day With A Difficult Mother
Some adult daughters have difficult relationships with their mum, still seeking their mother’s approval for their career, for their love interests, for her acceptance and unconditional love. They revert to being a child in their mother’s presence, wanting mum to nurture and encourage them, maintaining hope that mum will hold the little girl in her lap of tenderness, stroking her fondly, speaking gently from doting mother to her adoring child. This is the fantasy that adult daughters dream about.
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The Posterior Chain is also important in the stability of your knee, hips and spine. Therefore, if these muscles are strong, it may result in a decreased risk of both sporting and general injury.
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The History of Soccer and Its Influence on Today's Clubs
Soccer Clubs will play an even more vital role in the physical and emotional development of players. They provide not just athletic skills but life skills that will serve players well in any endeavor. Soccer Coaches will remain the driving force behind the success of Soccer Clubs. Their dedication to the sport and their passion for nurturing young talents will continue to shape the future of soccer.
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Over-the-counter vitamins or Practitioner-only supplements: what's best?
Have you ever looked at that bottle of fish oil or 'shelf stable' probiotic sitting on the dusty supermarket shelf and wondered to yourself: “How long has THAT been there? Am I just wasting my money?” This article looks at the truth about supplements and explains where you can get the most benefit.
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New Research Reveals the Secret To Happiness
The General Social Survey is reported to be one of the best sources of US happiness data. The most recent survey shows the top three things that impact people’s happiness most are health, relationships and financial circumstances:
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The Role of Massage in Sports Performance and Recovery
Massage isn’t just about relaxation (though that’s a fantastic perk!). For athletes, it’s all about maintaining peak performance and ensuring their bodies can handle the demands of their sport. Think of it as a secret weapon in their training arsenal. There are several types of massage that athletes typically turn to, including Remedial Massage, Sports Massage, and Deep Tissue Massage, each offering unique benefits.
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Ten signs you could have a thyroid problem
If you have a thyroid problem you could be experiencing several symptoms. This article goes into some details on each of the symptoms so you can make an informed decision about whether you need a professional or not.
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Confidence and Safety: The Benefits of Self-Defence Classes
Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, those magical chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. So, as you're perfecting your jabs and uppercuts, you're also giving your stress levels a healthy beatdown. Plus, knowing you have the tools to handle tricky situations can ease the anxiety that often accompanies the unknown.
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Pilates for Core Strength: Why It’s Essential for a Balanced Fitness Routine
Explore how Pilates can enhance core strength, improve stability, and support overall fitness.
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A little gratitude goes a long way
We can help kids understand what gratitude is and how to express it authentically by modelling it ourselves. Cultivating gratitude takes time and effort. By starting gratitude practices at an early age we are providing the motivation and skills they need to lead a meaningful life.
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Looking for an alternative for your health and wellbeing?
There are so many choices for health and wellbeing; it is hard to decide what may work for you. As a practitioner in Kinesiology, Reiki and Wellbeing Coach I can share some insight. Read this article to discover what alternative therapy may be best for your health and wellbeing.
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How yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
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Base Conditioning for Obstacle Racing
The essential exercises & expert training tips that will enable you to excel in your next event. If you are just starting out in obstacle racing, looking to improve your strength and performance or wishing to bullet-proof your body against injury, then this article is for you.
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Brain areas altered during hypnotic trances identified
Researchers at Stanford University found changes in three areas of the brain that occur when people are hypnotized. By scanning the brains of subjects while they were hypnotized, researchers could see the neural changes associated with hypnosis. This article looks at each of these three areas of the brain.
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How to excel in Martial Arts – outside of the Dojo
The problem seems to be that students are not shown the simple idea behind home training. Hours and hours of training at home is not what the instructor is asking of the student. The key to home training comes back to the same idea mentioned at the top of this article, repetition. This can be a simple 15-minute training session at home done daily or even every second day but it’s this repetition that is key!
Read more3 tips to decluttering your life
Spring time normally brings about better weather and an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors again, and the desire shared by many to “declutter their lives”. Clearing clutter improves our physical space, health and wellbeing, builds clarity and allows us to feel more organised in our lives, and creates a sense of tranquility and calm. These three tips will help you to declutter your physical, emotional and mental spaces so you can reap the benefits.
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