The Role of Massage in Sports Performance and Recovery
Massage isn’t just about relaxation (though that’s a fantastic perk!). For athletes, it’s all about maintaining peak performance and ensuring their bodies can handle the demands of their sport. Think of it as a secret weapon in their training arsenal. There are several types of massage that athletes typically turn to, including Remedial Massage, Sports Massage, and Deep Tissue Massage, each offering unique benefits.
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Depression and deficiency of nutrients in the body
Depression is not only a mood or a lack of interest in life. Depression can be caused by attacks on our immune system by inflammation in the body. The depressive symptoms can be a bi-product of the lack of certain nutrients that the body is failing to absorb.
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Hypnotherapy to deal with pain
We are all familiar with medication to deal with pain, however hypnosis is the most frequently cited form of non-pharmacologic cognitive pain control. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is where one's attention is focused; this creates an environment in which the brain can process information to bring about beneficial changes in a person. This essay explores how hypnosis can be used for pain.
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Controlling your thoughts through meditation
A Wellness Coach analyses the goal of meditation as a way to regain control over our mind in this article. It claims meditation allows us the freedom to choose a meditation that suits our individuality. There are meditations to suit all individuals including the over-thinkers, the yogi’s, the young at heart and those that find it difficult to sit still. Read more to find out how meditation can affect you and which may be best for you.
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Finding the Best Swimming Coach in Australia
A positive and conducive learning environment is crucial for effective swimming lessons. Evaluate the swimming facility where the coach conducts their lessons. Look for clean and well-maintained facilities, including well-kept swimming pools and changing rooms. A comfortable and safe learning environment can enhance the overall swimming experience.
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The gift of pain
Pain really is our most honest voice. It is a gift designed to protect us from further pain and tell us that we have incredible value and need to be protected. Pain tells us what is not right and informs us about the things that are unsustainable and emotionally damaging that need changing. This article explains how you can listen to pain and use it to learn for the future.
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What does an Osteopath even do??
We get it. Lots of people don’t really know exactly what we do. First of all, it doesn’t help that our name is a massive misnomer, a relic of the past where bony “alignment” was emphasised far more than what we know to be useful today.
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Injury Prevention Strategies for Basketball Players
Basketball Coaches promote an open and honest environment where players feel comfortable reporting injuries or discomfort. Ignoring early warning signs can lead to more severe injuries down the line. Players are encouraged to speak up, and coaches ensure they have access to medical professionals for assessment and treatment.
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Ten signs you could have a thyroid problem
If you have a thyroid problem you could be experiencing several symptoms. This article goes into some details on each of the symptoms so you can make an informed decision about whether you need a professional or not.
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Seven strategies to improve your quality of sleep
How well do you sleep? Is sleep, the most important aspect to maintain good health? The reality is you can have a really healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, practice yoga and be on the best quality supplements, but if you don’t get quality sleep, your health will be compromised. Keep reading for more strategies that will help improve your quality of sleep.
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How to excel in Martial Arts – outside of the Dojo
The problem seems to be that students are not shown the simple idea behind home training. Hours and hours of training at home is not what the instructor is asking of the student. The key to home training comes back to the same idea mentioned at the top of this article, repetition. This can be a simple 15-minute training session at home done daily or even every second day but it’s this repetition that is key!
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How To Survive Mother's Day With A Difficult Mother
Some adult daughters have difficult relationships with their mum, still seeking their mother’s approval for their career, for their love interests, for her acceptance and unconditional love. They revert to being a child in their mother’s presence, wanting mum to nurture and encourage them, maintaining hope that mum will hold the little girl in her lap of tenderness, stroking her fondly, speaking gently from doting mother to her adoring child. This is the fantasy that adult daughters dream about.
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What's the difference between Restorative + Yin Yoga?
In a pose it’s encouraged to let go of muscular involvement to target the deeper connective tissues of the body such as fascia Some schools of Yin will teach Yin as a ‘cold’ practice, done without a warm-up as a way to protect students from going in to the held stretches too deeply In poses, you might be guided through mindfulness techniques to draw your awareness to letting your muscles relax, to target your ligaments, fascia and joints instead Yin might be considered a useful practice for building bone density
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Everyone is a Healer
The other day I was doing our local headland walk and as I passed the playground, a three year old took a fall off his bike and grazed his knee. His dad came over to comfort him and put his hand on his knee. It was lovely to see how quickly the child turned from tears to smiles. You might also remember the comforting touch of your mum or dad when you took a fall as a kid. A parent’s touch actually helps injuries improve faster because of the healing energy that is naturally sent from the hands.
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Finding Your Perfect Yoga Practice: Exploring Diverse Yoga Styles
Discover the right yoga style. At its core, yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India, aiming to unify the body, mind, and spirit through a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It’s not just about bending like a pretzel; it’s about finding balance and peace within yourself.If you’re looking for a gentle introduction to yoga, Hatha Yoga is a great starting point. Yin Yoga is all about relaxation and mindfulness.
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Why exercise is a fantastic return on investment
Commitment in the long-term results in all of those benefits just described. AND significant health benefits such as increased bone density, reduced blood pressure and cellular level changes which slow the ageing process. Your heart also gets bigger and more efficient. Then there’s the positive effects on insulin and associated improvements with blood sugar levels and better management of conditions such as diabetes.
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A little gratitude goes a long way
We can help kids understand what gratitude is and how to express it authentically by modelling it ourselves. Cultivating gratitude takes time and effort. By starting gratitude practices at an early age we are providing the motivation and skills they need to lead a meaningful life.
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