Ninja Warrior Clubs
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High Flyers is a family owned and operated fully equipped Olympic gymnastics and trampoline venue in Wangara, 6065. Come and see us at 48b Luisini Rd, at our purpose built (2019) air conditioned venue. We run the following programs, with more detailed information available on our website, via email or pop in for a visit and pick up a leaflet. Full accredited Gymnastics Australian coaches and Working With Childrens Checks. We start from walking babies up to International level athletes so we will... Read more
Enjoy free outdoor play fun at the biggest trampoline and play equipment display in Australia. Located in Geelong. Kids and adults are welcome to test out various trampolines, including the GeeTramp, Plum, and Vuly range. Families can stay for as long as they like and also take pictures using the photo booth. It's a great place to have fun and collect data when considering purchasing a trampoline or other outdoor play equipment. Also check out Hobbies Direct, a remote control store, on site. Read more